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Don Kimbrough

Author | Writer | Storyteller

About Author

Hey I'm Don Kimbrough born October 4th 1985 in Detroit Michigan. I always had a passion for creative writing since I was in elementary school. But I never thought I would be chasing dream to be an established writer. I thought I would be doing, Music or sports. But my English teachers always told me my calling was writing


Sythia Land of Israel : Ahayah Gang productions (Earth’s Guardians)

Welcome to Sythia an island off of the coast of Asia in the heart of the black sea. In the ancient times Sythia was ran by ruthless nomadic warriors, until the Apostle Ephraim conquered the land and claimed it for Israel. Sythia is the most beautiful island in the world being clean from any kinds of pollution. And with the best technology in the world Sythia is secluded from the rest of the world thanks to a magical barrier. Every ten years the civilians of Sythia get ready for what they call trials or war games to see whom the next protector of Sythia’s greatest treasure one of the seven golden lampstands would be. only a few people are chosen to compete, and the trials can be quite brutal. It was during the trials that the ones chosen learned they were invaded by beings from another relm when they came across a bobcat that changed into a three-foot woman called the Fey. Read More

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Earth Guardians: Yawhehgang Productions (Earth’s Guardians Book 1)

Three sisters are granted power from God the father to fight demons and monsters. Keeping the balance of power between good and evil, while searching for a child that is prophecy to lead the Marty’s against Satan.

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Karina Yrei The relm Walker: I don’t know (Earth’s Guardians)

Young Karina is granted the ability to travel between the spirit relm and the mortal relm, which puts her in grave danger with deities from mythology. until the seraphine Angel Cameron was forced to help her learn to control her abilities and gain some confidence in herself and fight back against the forces of evil.

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Arren Balaguer Daughter of Chaos: Yawheh Gang Productions (Earth’s Guardians)

Arren was born in brutal ninja clan; she was highly trained in the three most brutal skills of combat the Krav Maga, Brazilian jujitsu, and ninjitsu. her father Won Yiu thought his twin daughters would get harassed by the other students for being the daughters of the master. but he was wrong, and he still over trained his daughters. after Arren’s mother was killed in a Kumite Won Yiu devoted all of his love and affection to Mhy Arren’s twin sister because she looked identical to his late wife. Arren was forced to act out to get his attention. and she was very good at acting out, Arren started killing her fellow clanmates to send a message to her father until she was banished to the spirit relm for breaking the clans sacred laws. after surviving the spirit relm and returning to her clan for revenge and the murder of her only friend Zhuri. Arren destroyed her clan after helping Lillith and Medusa steal the first Lampstand.

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Puppetry : Ahayah Gang Productions (Earth’s Guardians)

Two girls playing with a ouija board while pretending to summon a powerful deity from the book of demons. The girls was to young to house the demon so it possessed her mother. An Angel and an Exorcist removed the evil spirit from the mother. And while the Angel Jessica Harker was removing the incident from the minds of everyone involved Agent Darling took the wrong twin to the asylum. After being in there for a decade the twin gave in to the deities demand and let’s it get inside of her while she stays in control. And she got her revenge against her family

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February 5, 2017

Ahayah Gang Productions Presents Voices

January 1, 2017

Ahayah Gang Productions Presents Blood Moon
